Archive for the ‘adoption’ Category

Today marks the 21st anniversary of Cardinal Winning founding the Pro-Life Initiative. Here’s part of his speech from that day: “Today I issue an open invitation to any woman, any family, any couple, who may be facing the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. I strenuously urge any person in that situation, of any ethnic background, […]

This year is the 50th anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act in the UK. Sr Roseann is answering 50 questions about abortion, to mark the 50th anniversary. Question 18: “Is adoption really an answer?”

* This is part of an article by Tiffany Orborn who wrote about the experience of her son being born prematurely at 19 weeks gestation.  It is so powerful to see an unborn child so definitely human at such a young age.  The pictures and mother’s words say it all.*  People say they are pro-choice so […]

Was It Planned?


Annie’s Walk


A young lady called Annie who is 21 years old has asked us to share her story and raise awareness for the fundraiser that she is doing for a pro-life charity in the UK called The Good Counsel Network. She will be walking from Canterbury to Rome in June this year in support of life.This […]

Maybe we could make a video to raise money for The Cardinal Winning Prolife Initiative??  Anyone got some beautiful children that can act??